Other Resources
Local/Community Resources
- https://www.addictionresource.net/addiction-hotlines/https://www.addictionresource.net/addiction-hotlines/Covid19 Los Angeles Community Resources (ENGLISH)
- Covid19 Los Angeles Community Resources (SPANISH)
- Gardena Awaits: COVID-19 Business Resource Portal
- Guide to Parenting & Family Health During COVID-19
- Coronavirus: Guidance for Better Mental Health
- COVID-19 Mental Health And Addiction Resources
- LA County Rent Relief Program
- LA County Food Resources
- 13 steps to take if you’ve lost your job due to the coronavirus crisis
- Drug & Alcohol Abuse Hotlines | 24/7 And Confidential
- Rental Assistance Tool
- California COVID-19 Rent Relief Program
- www.Maxvax.com for local testing sites or VaccinateLACounty.com
- To view reopening protocols for K-12 schools in LA County, please click here.
If you are in need of food assistance; housing relief; information about COVID-19; and more, please call 2-1-1 or visit 211la.org. - For more information on COVID-19 and vaccinations, please visit publichealth.lacounty.gov and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Thank you for your continued commitment to keep our community healthy.
Government Resources
- CDC General Information
- “15 Days to Slow the Spread CDC Poster”
- Mar 30 2020 Update America Cares Act
- California State Featured Services and Information
- CDC – Handouts & Posters
- EDD – Unemployment- under the guidelines EDD recently released addressing COVID-19, if employees are temporarily out of work due to COVID-19 they can apply for Unemployment and not be required to actively seek work each week which is a requirement under normal circumstances.
Apartment Association Corona Virus Resources
JMC and COVID-19
On March 13th, 2020, our CFO sent an internal memorandum informing our company’s corporate personnel, staff, managers, and teams of a new company policy. With the threats of the spread of COVID-19 “Coronavirus”, our company consulted with our human resources office to put a plan in action for how our company planned to respond to the guidelines suggested by the CDC.
- We are sanitizing common areas regularly, such as handles, doorknobs, light switches, etc. Wipes and disinfectant will be made available, as supplies are available, for employees who may need to clean desks, keyboards, and other work surfaces.
- Employees may be sent home in an effort to prevent further infection of healthy staff; we encourage sick employees to stay at home.The CDC recommends that you not return to work until you are free of fever or other symptoms for at least 24 hours without medication that may alter symptoms.
- Masks are available and are required for employees who are exhibiting symptoms such as coughing. If masks are not available, as there is a shortage of supply, you will be sent home.
- We are practicing social distancing
- Other emergency measures are being developed in the event of a widespread outbreak in our community.
- We are reviewing the possibility of allowing certain employees to work remotely from home on a temporary basis during this time.
- Business travel will also be minimized
- Employees are encouraged to interact with clients on the phone rather than in-person, if possible.
We are monitoring government resources such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the California Department of Health on a daily basis for updates and guidance for employers. It is our priority to stay informed as the situation changes and update our clients, employees, and residents of new temporary policies we adopt during this difficult time. We at Jamison Management Company are committed to serving our community with integrity and safety and plan to have more information at the situation evolves.
If you have any questions or concerns for our office regarding these new policies, or about specific concerns we may be able to assist with, please reach out to us by emailing info@jamico.com
Basic measures remain the best defense against communicable diseases:
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds or more with soapy water frequently throughout the day.
- Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow or clothing.
- Get adequate sleep and eat well-balanced meals to ensure a healthy immune system.
- Avoid contact with people who are already sick.
- Avoid touching your mouth and eyes.
- Consider the flu shot.
- Do not shake hands with anyone.
- Do not go into a tenant’s home without first asking if anyone is sick in the home or has been within the last two weeks. Enter units with caution, and wear PPE when necessary.